Any parent would want their child to be successful in life, but it takes time and effort. Wishing for your child to be successful will only get you so far. It’s essential to nurture and nudge them in the right direction so they may one day grow to be successful adults. Following these key habits helps raise successful children:
Regulating Emotions
To be successful, it’s critical to have an understanding of emotions and how to regulate them. Because regulating emotions is something that must be taught, it should be a top priority as a parent. Teaching your children to regulate emotions begins with leading by example. Meaning, the best way your child will learn is by watching how you handle and cope with your emotions in life. Children are a sponge. You will always be their first teacher and it’s important to show them that you know how to self-regulate. They will more than likely learn from watching you.
Set Consistent Expectations
One of the most important ideals of being successful is to meet and exceed expectations. It’s essential for your children to form the habit early on that expectations must always be met. Don’t be afraid to set high expectations for your children and remember to be consistent in your messaging. Studies show that children who were raised in an environment with high expectations were more likely to succeed in life. That being said, it’s clearly a careful balance between setting consistent, clear expectations and not pushing children too hard. We as parents need to constantly re-evaluate our parenting.
Praise Often
One of the easiest ways for your child to crave success in life is by praising them when they’ve achieved something. When you give children praise, they recognize that good behaviour and meeting high expectations is rewarded. Remember to praise / encourage their effort, not just the outcome. They will carry this well into adulthood; it will predispose them to aim to do better and want to be successful. Instead of giving too much criticism which is often met with negative feelings, give them positive reinforcement through praise, Alternately, “sandwich” something that you need to make some constructive criticism about with positive encouragement points before and afterwards.
Give Them a Challenge
To keep children motivated to go above and beyond, don’t be afraid to challenge them. Tasks can easily become boring and uninteresting to children, which is why challenges within their current capabilities can give spark their motivation again. When they attempt the new challenge, be quick to give them feedback to improve their performance as well as praise for their effort and what they achieved. This can be schoolwork, chores, sports, or anything that can motivate them to be successful.