by Lachlan Soper | Nov 20, 2022 | Family & Parenting, Lachlan Soper
It can be distressing to hear your child say they’re bored and have nothing to do. This is something that both parents and children can learn to manage. There are a few creative ideas that you can try, but it’s likely you’re probably juggling having to finish up...
by Lachlan Soper | Sep 1, 2022 | Family & Parenting, Lachlan Soper
One of the essential life skills kids need to learn is how to brush their teeth. Getting them to practice this habit for two minutes a day is a small step, but it can help them maintain their long-term health. If brushing your child’s teeth has become a daily...
by Lachlan Soper | May 4, 2022 | Family & Parenting, Lachlan Soper
If you have kids, it’s only natural that you’re going to talk with them. Ask how their day was, how their friends are doing, how they like school, and so on. However, sometimes, you may find that something’s off with them, whether that’s something at school or just...
by Lachlan Soper | Apr 22, 2022 | Family & Parenting, Lachlan Soper
A hallmark of being a kid is begging parents for a pet. With the promises of doing everything needed to take care of Fido and all of the chores for the rest of forever, you may feel your resolve whittling away bit by bit. However, something’s at the forefront of your...
by Lachlan Soper | Apr 22, 2022 | Family & Parenting, Lachlan Soper
When something tragic happens, it’s natural to feel like you’re scared and not in control. You may barely understand what happened, much less be able to process it in the presence of other people. It’s often worse for children. Your children may feel helpless, not...
by Lachlan Soper | Mar 17, 2022 | Family & Parenting, Lachlan Soper
To say the least, parenting can be extremely challenging. No matter how many tips and advice you receive from friends or family, parenting is not an easy feat. Luckily, there are now numerous research-supported tools and strategies that parents can utilize. Dealing...